Pravda frowns on Governor Romney.

He is out of touch, out of date and unelectable.
President Obama is like a Red Red Rose.

Oh my luve is like a red, red rose,
That’s newly sprung in June:
Oh my luve is like the melodie,
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.

by Robert Burns (but not then dedicated to President Obama)

Here is an article from Pravda hinting, with great civility and no hyperbole, that Governor Romney might not be its ideal “red, red rose” candidate and that therefore, unlike President Obama, he might not be a really good President of the United States.

Electing Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States of America would be like appointing a serial paedophile as a kindergarten teacher, a rapist as a janitor at a girls’ dormitory or a psychopath with a fixation on knives as a kitchen hand. His comments on Russia are a puerile attempt at making the grand stage and boy, did he blow it…

Somewhat like Condoleezza Rice did before the Bush regime was er…”elected” …, Mitt Romney takes the chance to mouth off about Russia, calling her “our number one geopolitical foe” which fights “every cause for the world’s worst actors”. Unfortunately, such vapid stupidity has become commonplace among senior US politicians, providing the rest of the world with a telling insight as to the real nature of the political class in that country – out of touch, out of date and dangerously jingoistic. In short, overgrown self-opinionated schoolboys with super-egos but nothing whatsoever to back it up with.

. . . .

Exactly at a time when Russia and the USA are finding that they have far more in common than differences, exactly when they see that they are much more friends than foes, when they see that there is so much to be gained through collaboration, a foul-mouthed, big-headed oaf like Romney with more money than sense makes a comment that reveals who he really is to the world: a pea-brained, pith-headed simpleton with too much testosterone and too little common sense, with zero tact, no diplomacy and a paramount grasp on the intricacies of world politics. A prize, good-for-nothing ignoramus

At a time when Russia and the United States of America are working together in space, at a time when the scientific communities and Universities are ever more intricately linked, when the security networks share information more freely on terrorists, on crime, combating drugs trafficking, at a time when the two countries are working together on trade and commerce and forging common links on intellectual property rights, up comes stick-in-the-mud wannabe Presidential candidate Mitt Romney blurting out outdated Cold War drivel like some redneck nearing an alcoholic coma.

With as much credibility. In fact, one has seen more intelligent things scrawled in excrement on the walls of public latrines.

Despite diligent research, I have found no support for any rumor that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Nation Committee Chairwoman, ghost wrote the Pravda article.

I'm cool!

I'm cool too! Yes I am.

Moreover, the Pravda article is fair and balanced if you like incoming President Putin and approve of this refreshingly transparent and candid “open-mic” whoops discussion:

Obama pleaded with outgoing Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and, by implication, Vladimir Putin — soon to be inaugurated again in Moscow — to give him “space” until after the November U.S. election, at which point Obama could be more “flexible.”

While the context of the discussion was the possibility of even more gratuitous U.S. concessions on missile defense, Obama himself made it clear to Medvedev that the range of issues where he was signaling further retreat was far broader.

Medvedev wasted no time creating “space” for Obama by criticizing Mitt Romney, the almost-certain Republican presidential nominee.

According to Ambassador Bolton, the discussion between President Obama and outgoing President Medvedev

obviously express Medvedev’s — and Putin’s — preference for dealing with Obama, and his concern that a President Romney would not be as pliable as the current incumbent.

Although the White House tried to downplay the significance of the Obama-Medvedev exchange, they have not succeeded, and should not.

Obama was candidly admitting to a foreign ruler that his vision of dramatically reduced U.S. global strength could not withstand the red-hot scrutiny of a U.S. political campaign.

It should be obvious that we have no reason to be concerned about a post-election President Obama unleashed to do as he and his people think best to promote whatever agendas they wish; that there will be few political consequences to restrain them is of no consequence.  Even thinking such nonsense is paranoid, and paranoia (unlike the Pravda article) is utterly childish. President Obama’s administration is the most transparent in history, as he has told us — even though he does not yet control all branches of government.

I have no idea whether Russia is, or under President Putin will become, “our number one geopolitical foe.” There are many actual and potential “number one geopolitical” foes, and their numbers seem to be growing despite because of President Obama’s insightful penchant for apologizing to the Free Peoples of the Earth for the bad things he claims that the United States (some in the military, perhaps, but certainly not in his administration) have done over the years.  True, Russia and the United States under President Obama have had brotherly (but only minor) disagreements about goings on in Syria, Iran and other insignificant countries.  However, Russia has not nuked us yet; North Korea and Iran presently seem more likely eventually to try to do that than is Russia.

Fortunately, Russia has been expanding her benign economic, social and military presence in Venezuela and elsewhere in Latin America. Pravda wisely (as always) put it,

The tangible results of the visit of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Latin America were, in a word, massive, the first concrete step in laying the cornerstone of a new geopolitical order based on multilateral values, a New World Order which spells a clear message to the USA: either you are with us, or against us.

The much-heralded visit of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Venezuela this weekend was far more than a continuation of the excellent ties between the socially progressive Latin American growing giant of Hugo Chavez and the Russian Federation – Bolivia’s President Evo Morales was also present.

. . . .

The United States of America’s self-imposed blockade of Venezuela damages Washington and those states which agree to pander to Washington’s dictates, namely Brazil, whose President Lula told Hugo Chavez that the Supertucano contract with Embraer was off, due to pressure from the USA. As Vladimir Putin stated (causing Hugo Chavez to laugh) “It is good that the USA does not wish to sell”.

The last four Mi-17 helicopters have been delivered, completing the deal signed in 2006 for 38 aircraft, part of a deal which began in 2004, namely for 24 Sukhoi-30 fighters, 53 transport helicopters and 100,000 AK 103 guns.

Russia has granted Venezuela a loan of 2.2 billion USD, part of which could be used to purchase 90 T-72 tanks, Smerch multiple rocket launchers, S-300 anti-aircraft systems and submarines.

I am bigger than any constitution!

Why can’t the backwards United States be just like Venezuela under the “socially progressive Latin American growing giant of Hugo Chavez?” We had better get there, fast, because otherwise we will be against all that Russia, Venezuela and other free and peace loving nations hold dear.

Afghanistan, Egypt under the Muslim Brotherhood and the United Nations may also be candidates for the honor of becoming our “number one geopolitical foe.” China? Maybe — Hu knows?  An argument could probably be made that the United States has in recent years become, or is well on her way to becoming, her own “number one geopolitical foe.”

End of snark and satire:

President Obama’s request to postpone matters of substance until after the election so that he can have more flexibility should be taken seriously. Both its domestic and international ramifications need to be considered. If we don’t take them seriously, another four years under President Obama may well cause Governor Romney to demote Russia from her exalted station as our number one geopolitical foe; that will certainly help to push the reset button.

For instant relief, push button.

About danmillerinpanama

I was graduated from Yale University in 1963 with a B.A. in economics and from the University of Virginia School of law, where I was the notes editor of the Virginia Law Review in 1966. Following four years of active duty with the Army JAG Corps, with two tours in Korea, I entered private practice in Washington, D.C. specializing in communications law. I retired in 1996 to sail with my wife, Jeanie, on our sailboat Namaste to and in the Caribbean. In 2002, we settled in the Republic of Panama and live in a very rural area up in the mountains. I have contributed to Pajamas Media and Pajamas Tatler. In addition to my own blog, Dan Miller in Panama, I an an editor of Warsclerotic and contribute to China Daily Mail when I have something to write about North Korea.
This entry was posted in Appeasement, Chavez, China, Could be worse, Governor Romney, History, Iran, Military, Muslims, North Korea's nukes, Nuclear weapons, Obama, Opinion, Peace, Politics, Republicans, Romney, Russia, U.S.S.R, United States, Venezuela. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to Pravda frowns on Governor Romney.

  1. Pingback: Pravda frowns on Governor Romney.

  2. Mike says:

    I know that Pravda editorial sounds so ridiculous to Western readers it’s hard for us to take seriously, but that crap really works in Russia and to Russian populations throughout Europe and Asia.

    A friend of mine has a Russian girlfriend, and she shares all of the anti-American foreign policy views common among Russians. Although he was having some success in” brainwashing” her to an American worldview, a trip back home for a few months with the incessant anti American propaganda blasted 24/7 from Russian dominated newspapers, TV, and radio undid all of his hard work.

    It’s hard for me to understand since I had thought with the end of communism and the cold war, there wasn’t a good reason that we and Russia shouldn’t be good friends, but the Russians, at least their foreign policy establishment, has never accepted that view. I guess it’s the difference between being on the winning side of the cold war and being on the losing side of it.

    • MIke, I have a question and don’t know the answer: Are all or most Pravda articles published in the English language edition as well as in the Russian edition?

      • Mike says:

        I don’t know the answer to that question, but I would rather doubt every single one is translated. However the English language edition of Pravda certainly has no end of opinion pieces. It’s probably a good resource to get the gist of the Russian Zeitgeist.

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