Category Archives: Facts

Negotiating without understanding

When we don’t understand what other countries mean we usually screw up. That can be unhealthy. North Korea is either developing nuclear weapons or it is not. Ditto Iran. Both could give our home-grown “statesmen” lessons in flip-flopping to appeal … Continue reading

Posted in Appeasement, Babel Fish, Brutality, Chamberlain, China, Cultural differences, Culture, Democracy, Elections, Empathy, Facts, Food for North Korea, Freedom, Headlines, History, Ideology, Iran, Iranian Election, Islamist rage, Israel, Kim Dynasty, Korea, Linguistics, Military, Missile launch, Muslims, Netanyahu, North Korea's nukes, Nuclear weapon test, Nuclear weapons, Obama, Peace, Politics, Regime change, Religion, Sanctions, United States | Tagged , | 2 Comments

The Birther Movement is an unnecessary and destructive distraction.

President Obama’s defeat must be our focus.  If we don’t reelect him the circumstances of his birth will matter little. We will then be rid of him and can help the nation regain her lost sanity. Wherever and under whatever … Continue reading

Posted in Birthers, China, Congress, Constitution, Courts, Democracy, Democrats, Donald Trump, Elections, Facts, Free Press, Freedom, Good stuff for everone free, Government reliance, Ideology, Impeachment, Judges, Justice, Kenya, Law, Obama, Opinion, Politics, Religion, Republicans, Respect, Rodney Dangerfield, Supreme Court, the Basics, United States | Tagged , | 3 Comments

President Obama, Citizen Julia and other Fictitiously Enlightened People.

Reality can be unpleasant. Unreality can bring temporary happiness. Fluff masquerading as news can bring longer lasting ennui. If during the 2008 presidential campaign the media had “vetted” Candidate Obama even tepidly, they might have exposed realities that many would … Continue reading

Posted in Conservatives, Constitution, Dep't of Information, Empathy, Facts, Freedom, Good stuff for everone free, Government reliance, Governor Romney, Herman Cain, Ideology, Insanity, Media-morphing, Nonsense, Obama, Opinion, publishing ethics, Racism, Reporting, Role Models, United States, War on women | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Venezuela has become a place of great change but little hope.

El Presidente Chávez is probably dying and Fidel Castro has warned about blood (not Chávez’ blood) in the streets. He may well be right, for the wrong reasons. Venezuela became a mess, gradually, after el Presidente Chávez took over the … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Power, Chavez, Cuba, Dep't of Information, Elections, Facts, Frog in hot water, health care, Insanity, Politics, Radiotherapy, Regime change, Religion, Riots, Socialism, Venezuela | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

Trust but verify applies not only to foreign governments.

Governance of a free people requires their continuously earned trust.  Verification is needed to preserve that trust when it is justified and to destroy that trust when it is no longer justified. That is not solely the function of the … Continue reading

Posted in Abuse of Power, Birthers, China, Clinton, Culture, Dep't of Information, Elections, Empathy, Facts, Fairness, Free Press, free speech, Freedom, Government and individual choices, Government reliance, Holder, Ideology, Internet, Justice, Law and Order, Military, Natural Born, Obama, ObamaCare, Opinion, Political class, Political Correctness, Politics, Propaganda, Racism, Reporting, Right Wing, Society, U.S.S.R, United States | Tagged , , | 12 Comments

President Obama has brought us out of the dark and into the light.

Promised Land, Here we come. Glory Days are upon us! I am so very proud of him that I could . . . . “We have an unbelievable amazing story to sell tell,” First Lady Obama said. “This President has … Continue reading

Posted in Dep't of Information, Facts, Fairness, Fat cats, Free Press, Freedom, Humor, Media, Media-morphing, Nonsense, Obama, Politics, Racism, Religion, Satire, United States | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

The Librul* war on Fact and Science

Belief can result from a desire to believe and desire to believe can result from wanting to be thought fashionable. Both can be unfortunate as to matters where objective analysis of fact is claimed as the basis. Wars have long … Continue reading

Posted in Belief, Birthers, Church of Global Warming, Constitution, Criticism sessions, Culture, Dep't of Information, Facts, Fashion, History, Ideology, Media, Obama, Opinion, Political Correctness, Racism, Religion, Society, United States | Tagged , , , | 11 Comments

I support the Buffett Rule!

No, not the Warren Buffett rule, the Jimmy Buffett rule: a healthy dose of insanity is needed to save us from going insane and to help us to understand what goes on in our world. The Warren Buffett rule was … Continue reading

Posted in Criticism sessions, Democracy, Facts, Fairness, Fat cats, Hispanic, Holder, Humor, Insanity, Jimmy Buffett, Media, Money, Nonsense, Obama, Political Correctness, Politics, Racism, Right Wing, Satire, Society, United States, Warren Buffett | 6 Comments

The media trial of George Zimmerman shows that we don’t need courts.

During Alice’s visit to Wonderland, she attended a trial.  The queen demanded, “sentence first, trial later.” We can do even better! As just about everyone not comatose for the past several days now knows, twenty-eight year old George Zimmerman, a … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution, Cultural differences, Death, Facts, Free Press, Hispanic, Idiocy, Islamic rage, Jews, Judges, Justice, Law and Order, Media, Murder, Nonsense, Obama, Opinion, Political Correctness, Politics, Protests, Reporting, United States | Tagged | 78 Comments

Can a nuclear attack on Israel be compared legitimately with the Holocaust?

It can be and should be. According to this article by the editor-in-chief of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s AIPAC speech moved closer than ever to the point of no return en route to war with Iran. Netanyahu … Continue reading

Posted in Ahmadinejad, AIPAC, Appeasement, Chamberlain, Conservatives, Facts, Freedom, Haaretz, History, Iran, Israel, Netanyahu, Nuclear weapons, Obama, Peace, United States | Tagged , , | 10 Comments