Why is Islam called the “religion of peace?”

Because of collective ignorance, stupidity and fantasy.

Some may have read about the recent “honor killings” of two young girls in Pakistan. They had inflicted a great stain upon the honor of their family by dancing happily in the rain. Here is a video presented yesterday at PJ Media’s Trifecta.

To refer to the perpetrators of such crimes as subhuman is to dishonor apes and rattlesnakes. However, that seems to be a far from universal view, even in the United States and Formerly Great Britain.

Pat Condell recently had this to say about the religion of peace:

Anjem Choydary is a “peace loving” Islamist who

is urging his followers [in England] to sign up as recruits to the newly-launched Islamic Emergency Defence — which vows to create a network of “task forces” to redress wrongs and mete out instant justice.

He also seems to enjoy converting young Brits to Islam. He had this to say in 2011:

Islam also continues to bring the beauties of true peace to Nigeria, where

Islamic militants attacked a boarding school before dawn Saturday, dousing a dormitory in fuel and lighting it ablaze as students slept, survivors said. At least 30 people were killed in the deadliest attack yet on schools in Nigeria’s embattled northeast.

Authorities blamed the violence on Boko Haram, a radical group whose name means “Western education is sacrilege.” The militants have been behind a series of recent attacks on schools in the region, including one in which gunmen opened fire on children taking exams in a classroom.

. . . .

Islamic militants from Boko Haram and breakaway groups have killed more than 1,600 civilians in suicide bombings and other attacks since 2010, according to an Associated Press count.

Here is another interesting video from 2011 by Andrew Klavan. Satire? Probably, but it makes more and more sense as we enter mid-2013.

Finally, here is a new video at Latma TV about the Obama-Kerry “peace process.” Unfortunately, the subtitles are often difficult to read.

The Peace process is, of course, a stroke of genius for those who worship at the feet of our historic President Osama Obama the Humble, always the brightest person in any room he honors with his presence.


Perhaps the Islamists who want only peace, happiness and tranquility for everyone would like to ride President Obama’s favorite unicorn. It would be only fitting and proper to give them that opportunity. They might laugh at President Obama, kill his unicorn and enjoy eating its heart, but no matter. Obama has many more unicorns and Islamists are already laughing behind our backs as they stuff our money in their pockets and bank accounts. While slim, the chances of success are at least as great as for His efforts finally to redeem His Nobel Peace Prize from the ashes of infamy uncontrollable laughter.

However, none of this can be our problem, so let’s just continue calling our peace-loving allies whatever pleases them while we fund their noble humanitarian efforts to bring peace in our time. At least that’s probably the view of my esteemed occasional guest author, Senator Ima Librul from the great state of Confusion Utopia, a great fan of Our Dear Leader.

About danmillerinpanama

I was graduated from Yale University in 1963 with a B.A. in economics and from the University of Virginia School of law, where I was the notes editor of the Virginia Law Review in 1966. Following four years of active duty with the Army JAG Corps, with two tours in Korea, I entered private practice in Washington, D.C. specializing in communications law. I retired in 1996 to sail with my wife, Jeanie, on our sailboat Namaste to and in the Caribbean. In 2002, we settled in the Republic of Panama and live in a very rural area up in the mountains. I have contributed to Pajamas Media and Pajamas Tatler. In addition to my own blog, Dan Miller in Panama, I an an editor of Warsclerotic and contribute to China Daily Mail when I have something to write about North Korea.
This entry was posted in 2016 Obama's America, Bill Whittle, Cancer, Conservatives, Culture, Dove of peace, England, Formerly Great Britain, Freedom, Freedom of religion, Honor, Iran, Islamist rage, Israel, Jews, John Kerry, Libruls, Middle East, Muslim Brotherhood, Netanyahu, Nigeria, Obama, Palestine, Peace and Love, Political Correctness, United States and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Why is Islam called the “religion of peace?”

  1. Pingback: Dennis Rodman to be U.S. ambassador to Iran | danmillerinpanama

  2. Pingback: ObamaSpeak on Iran, Israel and Islam | danmillerinpanama

  3. Pingback: Obama, Rouhani, Netanyahu and the Iranian Nuclear Threat | danmillerinpanama

  4. Pingback: The Great Iranian Charmin Offensive, Obama, Rouhani and The Bomb | danmillerinpanama

  5. JimmyDee says:

    Hey, don’t knock Obama. He’s just doing what every other U.S. president would do: being diplomatic and trying to uphold the peace. You want him to declare all-out war against Islam? To deport all U.S. Muslim citizens? With all the crap he puts up with the Republicans screaming every week how he’s “violating the Constitution” they’d have a field day with that!
    If bowing to a towelhead ambassador prevents a nuclear war, you do it.
    Unless you have a better solution? I don’t hear you?

  6. Pingback: Non-Violent Islamist Attacks on Freedom are Too Often Ignored | danmillerinpanama

  7. JeremyR says:

    Linked it. Thanks.

  8. Bob says:

    I vote for Andrew Klavan’s solution.

  9. OyiaBrown says:

    Reblogged this on Oyia Brown.

  10. MaddMedic says:
  11. Tom Carter says:

    Thankfully, the U.S. hasn’t (yet) had the deluge of Muslim immigrants suffered by European countries. But we’re headed there, through goofy immigration and asylum policies and homegrown conversions, mostly in jails and prisons. A perfectly normal street thug drops out of school, begins his crime career, and gets caught. He’s sent to prison as Deshawn Johnson, comes out a few years later as Sheikh Muhammad Johnson, and begins his personal jihad. And we aren’t going to do anything about it.

  12. Maui Jim says:

    Reblogged this on The Surf Report and commented:
    Why is Islam called the “religion of peace?”

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