Kerry heads to Iraq to start the peace process

Basking in the glow of his anticipated success in arranging peace among Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas and others, Secretary Kerry
now plans to work his magic in Iraq.

Kerry I'm an idiot

According to this racist rant by former Ambassador Bolton, the Obama Nation has no strategy:

There is a clear strategy: send Secretary Kerry to bring peace and prosperity to Iraq. That is the only strategy that can bring a lasting peace.

Here’s part of another racist rant from Half Baked Breitbart:

[W]ith Obama’s latest decision to launch airstrikes against the Islamic State in the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), the Obama Doctrine has now come into focus: pretend to give a damn about suffering of innocents when it hits the headlines, ignore it the rest of the time.

Because Obama doesn’t truly care. At all. He is a master emotional manipulator, capable of achieving effective posturing when it comes to the suffering of innocents. That’s why the media constantly swoon at his “tone” and his “attitude” during his press conferences. They repeatedly praise his “anger” or his “determination.” But they rarely ask just what he’s doing to fight evil. [Emphasis added.]

Any deployment of power will be short-term and ineffective. Obama will do all he can for innocents up until the moment when he doesn’t have to do so. Then he’ll leave them to die.

Nonsense. Secretary Kerry will be far more effective than any puny military action that could possibly be taken by Obama’s America. Indeed, it has not yet even been able to achieve full gender equality, so how could it possibly be expected to fight effectively in a foreign kinetic action?

Having witnessed Israel’s massively genocidal efforts in Gaza and elsewhere to expand its apartheid state, Secretary Kerry is well prepared to deal with the Islamic State’s moderate and only semi-genocidal efforts against Yazidi and the few remaining Christians now that all or nearly all of the Jews have left.

Secretary Kerry knows that terrorism alleged workplace violence has root causes — poverty, resentment, hatred, boredom, scabies and rabies. Just as there is no such thing as a bad boy, there is no such thing as a bad jihadist Sunni or Shia. They simply want to be understood and loved for what they really are, not hated because of how the ill-informed falsely portray them. Honorable, peace loving religious folk, they love little children to death. In the service of Allah, they seek only the best for them and their beloved but beleaguered families.

Secretary Kerry is presently en route to Iraq. Although he had hoped to conduct his negotiations at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, it keeps moving around and occasionally comes under hostile fire. That is no problem for a seasoned war hero such as John Kerry, but could prove bothersome for others, whom he bravely salutes nonetheless.

We who also serve salute you!

We who bravely served salute you!

The negotiations will, therefore, be held at the Iranian embassy, insha’Allah.

There, Secretary Kerry will first meet with the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohamed Ben-Lyin, to explore common U.S. and Iranian interests in Iraq and to push forward with the P5 + 1 Iranian nukes for peace scam process. He will then meet separately with representatives of the Iraqi government, Kurdish authorities, leaders of the Yazidi sect and leaders of the Islamic State to arrange a ceasefire. During the ceasefire, the Islamic State will properly replenish its supply of weapons for peace. The others should nurse their ill and wounded, subdue their egos and try to become reasonable enough to find a common ground with the Islamic State. There is always a common ground, and Secretary Kerry will do his best to help them to find it.

In the final analysis, the Iraqi government, the Kurds, the Yazidi and the Islamic State should be able to agree on enough of the basic principles of Islam to form a unified caliphate and thereby bring eventual peace to the entire region, with the obvious exception of obstinate and therefore insignificant little Israel.

Secretary Kerry tried, thus far with only minimal success, to help Israel, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah find a similar common ground and attain his lofty goal of a fair and equitable unified government. Although he was not completely successful, there is always hope for humanitarian compromise. He will keep trying, bravely yet humbly, as always.


Secretary Kerry is at his very best when arranging compromising situations. It is to be hoped that in Iran there will be no obstinate fools like Netanyahu to undermine his Herculean efforts. The times are changing. If in these circumstances he can’t produce a fair and equitable solution leading to peace and understanding, nobody can.


An article by Rick Moran at PJ Tatler titled Obama Says No Timetable for Iraq Operations notes,

The president stopped by the South Lawn of the White House before boarding his helicopter for a trip to Martha’s Vineyard and the start of his vacation to make a statement on the situation in Iraq and take a few questions from friendly reporters.

In a “scathing editorial,” the Washington Post said the president’s Iraq policy “isn’t connected” to a “coherent strategy” and that it’s “minimalist” and “unrealistic.” Has He ever had a “realistic,” “coherent” foreign policy strategy?”

Mr. Moran notes,

If the president’s policy is to buy time for the Iraqi government to get their act together by keeping the Islamic State away from Baghdad and Irbil, the Kurdish capital, he may be in for a long wait. The deep-seated resentments of the Sunnis is what’s driving the Islamic State forward, as the terrorist militia is actually quite small. It is augmented by Sunni militias and remnants of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath party. Prime Minister Maliki has shown absolutely no sign so far that he is willing to share power with either the Sunnis or the Kurds. Not even the immense threat from the Islamic State has convinced him to change.

It may be better than sending Kerry, but not much.

About danmillerinpanama

I was graduated from Yale University in 1963 with a B.A. in economics and from the University of Virginia School of law, where I was the notes editor of the Virginia Law Review in 1966. Following four years of active duty with the Army JAG Corps, with two tours in Korea, I entered private practice in Washington, D.C. specializing in communications law. I retired in 1996 to sail with my wife, Jeanie, on our sailboat Namaste to and in the Caribbean. In 2002, we settled in the Republic of Panama and live in a very rural area up in the mountains. I have contributed to Pajamas Media and Pajamas Tatler. In addition to my own blog, Dan Miller in Panama, I an an editor of Warsclerotic and contribute to China Daily Mail when I have something to write about North Korea.
This entry was posted in Christians, Cultural differences, Culture of violence, Democracy, Foreign policy, Freedom, Freedom of religion, Gaza, Genocide, Hamas, Hatred, Humor, Ideology, Iran, Iraq, Islamic Jihad, Islamic State, Islamists, Israel, John Kerry, Libruls, Middle East, Military, Muslims, Netanyahu, Nuclear weapons, Obama, Obama Nation, P5+1, Palestinian Authority, Palestinian heroes, Peace in our time, Peace process, Satire, U.S. Military, United States of Obama and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Kerry heads to Iraq to start the peace process

  1. Tom Carter says:

    The video is depressing. It’s obvious that the only way to stop radical Muslims, especially those like ISIS, is to kill them all. That includes children who have already been prepared to step into their shoes. If we don’t (and we shouldn’t), the only way the U.S. will survive is to become totally insular, our borders tighter than a gnat’s butthole. Then, as Europe begins to fall apart under the onslaught, perhaps all that would be left would be us, the Chinese, the Russians, and maybe the Japanese. What a world that would be.

  2. Pingback: Satire: Kerry heads to Iraq to start the peace process |

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